Tai Chi Uniform

Tai Chi Uniform

Summary: Tai Chi uniforms are not essential in practicing Tai Chi. the only requirement is that clothes should be supple, light, flexible and soft.

While it is not really necessary to wear Tai Chi uniform, the mental preparedness it sometimes gives makes the wearing Tai Chi uniform necessary. Some Tai Chi aspirants claim that wearing Tai Chi uniforms allows the Qi to flow properly. Also, because Tai Chi uniforms are made with soft, light and supple materials, it is less inhibiting in Tai Chi practices.

Some people, just to complete the ambiance, prefer to practice Tai Chi with Tai Chi Uniform and Tai Chi shoes. I got to see this often that if I ever would see someone having also a Tai Chi light snack, I would probably understand.

If you are going to wear a uniform, the best choice would be to buy one. Look for a uniform of your preference but the uniform should be light, soft and supple. Silk is often the choice but since it is rather uncomfortable when it gets really hot, other choose cotton instead. The most common color is black or white, the colors of Yin and Yang. Some are plain vest with high closed collar and long sleeves with the opposite color around the hem. Tai Chi Uniforms are often sold in sets, including vests and trousers.

The shoes of the Tai Chi Uniform are flat, flexible, light and comfortable. There are two types Tai Chi shoes available, the male shoes and the female shoes. The female shoe has a strap unlike the male shoes which has none. They are also available online but is usually sold separately form the body gear.

Many Tai Chi classes disregard Tai Chi uniforms, the only requirement they have for clothing is that it should be comfortable and loose. Even some the Tai Chi instructors don’t wear uniforms. There have even been classes in parks that require students to go barefoot on the grass. On tournaments though, Tai Chi uniforms are strictly observe for obvious reasons. Wushu competitors wear plain white shirt tightly tucked into black loose trousers while others wear full Tai Chi gear, vest, trousers and shoes. The uniform’s colors are more varied too.

So if it helps your Tai Chi session if you wear Tai Chi uniform, then by all means go ahead. You can get useful tips on where most quality Tai Chi uniforms are on my Tai Chi Uniforms page.

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