The Shoe Treatment for Your Foot Infection

The Shoe Treatment for Your Foot Infection

If you want to avoid acquiring athlete’s foot, the type of shoes that you wear can also greatly help your cause. Athlete’s foot is a recurring problem for a great number of people. The reason for this is because they fail to follow healthy foot hygiene. This also includes wearing poorly ventilated footwear.

Athlete’s foot is a fungus infection brought about by a fungus known as dermatophytes, which attack dead skin layers. They thrive in damp and dark environments. That is why they usually infect the feet.

People who frequently wear shoes are more prone to getting athlete’s foot. So do people who frequent going to damp and warm areas such as common showers, locker rooms and swimming pools. Such areas also provide a good breeding ground for the fungus that people can easily get athlete’s foot this way. Such infection is more common in athletes because they make use of such facilities on a regular basis, hence the origin of the term “athlete’s foot”.

Wearing shoes often can help bring about such infection. This is because shoes causes the feet to perspire, a suitable environment which the fungus needs to breed and multiply. A good way of preventing such an infection is by choosing the type of shoes that you wear. Consider using light and airy footwear to make sure that your feet is always properly ventilated and prevent excessive perspiration.

Increased use of sandals can also help prevent making your feet a breeding ground for any fungus. Make use of thinner socks as much as possible if you are really required to wear the shoes. Also try to make use of talcum powder on your feet to keep it dry when you wear your shoes. Talcum powder can help absorb the perspiration from your feet and keep it dry al the time.

Other preventive measures for athlete’s foot also includes keeping your feet clean by following good foot hygiene. Regularly wash your feet with soap and water to keep it clean. Try not to walk around damp areas such as shower and locker rooms on barefoot. You might be risking getting infected by doing so.

Try also to avoid using towels as well as shoes or socks by others. Doing this can help easily transmit athlete’s foot as well as other fungal infections from one person to another. Practicing good foot hygiene can go along way of preventing infections. Always remember that prevention is always better than looking for a cure.

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